Hottest Fashion

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online

Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly


Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly

Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek is an actress that every warm-blooded male has had a fantasy about at some point in their life. The Mexican beauty first came to our attention in the mid-nineties playing the voluptuous Carolina in Robert Rodriguez’s cult-classic, Desperado. She re-teamed with Rodriquez to play the sexiest vampire of all time in yet another cult-classic, From Dusk Till Dawn. Since that time, the actress has had plenty of worthwhile roles but we never quite got the chance to see her in full badass mode again (not to downplay her badass mini-role in Once Upon a Time in Mexico).
Everly gives us a chance to see Salma like we’ve never seen her before, and it’s glorious. In the film, she’s toting handguns, throwing grenades, forcing bad guys to swallow deadly chemicals, all within the confines of – essentially – one room.
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
In the film, Hayek plays the titular character, Everly, who is a prostitute (or maybe she isn’t, it’s not quite clear) who wants to escape the clutches of her boyfriend/pimp/crime boss. The film opens in a bathroom with Everly in the nude as she attempts to call a detective. After her call doesn’t go through she steps out of the bathroom and shoots several bad guys to death. Well, it turns out that Everly’s pimp/boyfriend, Taiko (Hiroyuki Watanabe), knows about her betrayal and promptly puts a bounty on her head. Oh, and Everly lives in an apartment building that’s filled to the brim with prostitutes. This means that a bevy of whores, armed to the teeth make their way over to the apartment to take Everly out.
These early scenes are probably the most entertaining of the film. First off, a whore armed with a couple of sais (shout-out to Raphael) makes her way over only to inadvertently get one of those sais lodged into her cheek. Two more girls make their way over and argue about who gets to kill Everly first; this prompts the two of them to shoot each other in the face. Each of these battles is full of graphic violence and blood, as you’d expect, given the film’s director.
Everly ultimately realizes that she’s bound to die before the night’s over and that she needs to make sure that her mother (Laura Cepeda) and daughter (Aisha Ayamah) are going to be safe – and financially set – after she’s gone. She can’t leave the apartment so this means that her loved ones must come to her. This makes things much more complicated… and nuts!
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
Salma Hayek Is Absolutely Badass In Joe Lynch’s Everly Hottest Fashion Online
If you read any other reviews for this film then you probably heard them say – in some form – that Everly is simply a Quentin Tarantino/Kill Bill wannabe… and that’s actually true. However, that isn’t a bad thing, per se. Directed by Joe Lynch  Everly seems to be a combination of the filmmaker’s love for the over-dramatized fight scenes that Tarantino is best known for. Yes, this movie is violent, but in a cheesy way. It seems to be more of a tribute than a gruesome action flick.

There are various plot holes in the story, but the film is just so ridiculous that they’re relativity easy to ignore. You just have to come to grips with the fact that most of the implausibilities are there simply to keep things moving.

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