Hottest Fashion

Wednesday 1 April 2015

11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online

11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!

11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online

11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Steven Spielberg
The talented director is worthy of a plethora of adjectives, and now we can add candid to the list. By his own admission, he had a rough time at school as a kid; “I was a nerd in those days. Outsider, like the kid that played the clarinet in the band and in orchestra, which I did.”
Jessica Alba In a strange way, all the loyal Jessica Alba fans have the bullies at her high school to thank for spurring her onto acting in the first place. In a candid interview with a magazine, she admitted, “My memories of school are not great, 'In fact, I had a hell of a time. Acting was the one thing that gave me a break from what was going on around me. “I’d eat my lunch in the nurses’ office so I didn’t have to sit with the other girls. Apart from my being mixed race, my parents didn’t have money so I never had the cute clothes or the cool back pack.”
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Jessica Alba
In a strange way, all the loyal Jessica Alba fans have the bullies at her high school to thank for spurring her onto acting in the first place. In a candid interview with a magazine, she admitted, “My memories of school are not great, ‘In fact, I had a hell of a time. Acting was the one thing that gave me a break from what was going on around me.
“I’d eat my lunch in the nurses’ office so I didn’t have to sit with the other girls. Apart from my being mixed race, my parents didn’t have money so I never had the cute clothes or the cool back pack.”
Chad Michael Murray He might have made a fortune with his handsome jock act in more movies & shows than we can count, but his own high school experience was no cakewalk. “I hated high school. I didn’t have any friends, because I didn’t fit in,” confesses Chad.
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Chad Michael Murray
He might have made a fortune with his handsome jock act in more movies & shows than we can count, but his own high school experience was no cakewalk. “I hated high school. I didn’t have any friends, because I didn’t fit in,” confesses Chad.
Cameron Diaz You’d have thought that The Mask bombshell would have had quite the fan following in school, but Cameron Diaz insists, “I’m a dork! When I was high school, I was a total goon! All the kids used to make fun of me. I was like all skinny and gangly and guys were like, “No, thank you.’” The very same guys who would now probably sell their souls for spending two minutes in the same room as her. Guess who had the last laugh?
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Cameron Diaz
You’d have thought that The Mask bombshell would have had quite the fan following in school, but Cameron Diaz insists, “I’m a dork! When I was high school, I was a total goon! All the kids used to make fun of me. I was like all skinny and gangly and guys were like, “No, thank you.’” The very same guys who would now probably sell their souls for spending two minutes in the same room as her. Guess who had the last laugh?
Megan Fox With looks like those, you’d have thought that Megan Fox would be wearing pompoms and sitting pretty at the top of the popularity pyramid, but the actress insists otherwise: “I got picked on, and I ate lunch in the bathroom because I was afraid of being picked on in the cafeteria.”
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Megan Fox
With looks like those, you’d have thought that Megan Fox would be wearing pompoms and sitting pretty at the top of the popularity pyramid, but the actress insists otherwise:
“I got picked on, and I ate lunch in the bathroom because I was afraid of being picked on in the cafeteria.”
Zac Efron “I wasn’t a heartthrob at school; I was a geek, I was into musical theater, which isn’t perceived as the coolest thing. There were guys who were 6’ 1” with beards and big muscles and I was a gawky 17-year-old, a skinny, awkward kid. I was a late bloomer.” The High School Musical might complain that ‘growing up was hell’ but if you ask us, he sure did one helluva job of it.
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Zac Efron
“I wasn’t a heartthrob at school; I was a geek, I was into musical theater, which isn’t perceived as the coolest thing. There were guys who were 6’ 1” with beards and big muscles and I was a gawky 17-year-old, a skinny, awkward kid. I was a late bloomer.” The High School Musical might complain that ‘growing up was hell’ but if you ask us, he sure did one helluva job of it.
Selena Gomez As a popular singer, she might have the world at her fingertips, but by her own admission, the adorable Disney star never had many friends in her school days. “I was bullied every second of every day in elementary and middle school.”
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Selena Gomez
As a popular singer, she might have the world at her fingertips, but by her own admission, the adorable Disney star never had many friends in her school days. “I was bullied every second of every day in elementary and middle school.”
Taylor Swift Apparently ex-boyfriends aren’t the only ones on Taylor’s hatelist. “I remember when I was in school, the whole reason I started writing songs was because I was alone a lot of the time. I’d sit there in school and I’d be hearing people like, ‘Oh my god, this party that we’re going to is gonna be so awesome on Friday. Everyone’s invited except for Taylor.’” All of whom are probably kicking themselves right now.
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Taylor Swift
Apparently ex-boyfriends aren’t the only ones on Taylor’s hatelist. “I remember when I was in school, the whole reason I started writing songs was because I was alone a lot of the time. I’d sit there in school and I’d be hearing people like, ‘Oh my god, this party that we’re going to is gonna be so awesome on Friday. Everyone’s invited except for Taylor.’” All of whom are probably kicking themselves right now.
Christian Bale The Academy Award winning actor claims, “I took a beating from several boys for years. They put me through hell, punching and kicking me all the time.” While that sounds rough, Christian you gotta promise us that if you ever decide to don the Batsuit and take revenge, you’ll let us come watch. Pretty please?
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Christian Bale
The Academy Award winning actor claims, “I took a beating from several boys for years. They put me through hell, punching and kicking me all the time.” While that sounds rough, Christian you gotta promise us that if you ever decide to don the Batsuit and take revenge, you’ll let us come watch. Pretty please?
Kristen Stewart She rose to fame with Twilight, initially centred in a high school, but her own school experience wasn’t half as heartening; her classmates apparently weren’t half as gung-ho over her as the population of Forks : “I’m glad I could do those films, and I was glad to leave school. I couldn’t relate to kids my own age. They are mean and don’t give you any chance,” rues Kristen.
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Kristen Stewart
She rose to fame with Twilight, initially centred in a high school, but her own school experience wasn’t half as heartening; her classmates apparently weren’t half as gung-ho over her as the population of Forks : “I’m glad I could do those films, and I was glad to leave school. I couldn’t relate to kids my own age. They are mean and don’t give you any chance,” rues Kristen.
Lady Gaga The brazen singer requires a bit of getting used to, and apparently the kids at her school didn’t make it easy on her. In an interview with Rolling Stones, the Poker Face singer revealed, “Being teased for being ugly, having a big nose, being annoying. ‘Your laugh is funny, you’re weird, why do you always sing, why are you so into theater, why do you do your make-up like that?’”
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online
Lady Gaga
The brazen singer requires a bit of getting used to, and apparently the kids at her school didn’t make it easy on her. In an interview with Rolling Stones, the Poker Face singer revealed, “Being teased for being ugly, having a big nose, being annoying. ‘Your laugh is funny, you’re weird, why do you always sing, why are you so into theater, why do you do your make-up like that?’”
11 Celebs Who Weren’t Popular At School!Hottest Fashion Online

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